Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Oh, my goodness. Last night, I was just finishing up taking a shower (forgive me if that's TMI) and I had a sudden revelation for Alyssa. I couldn't figure out how I was to make it longer for the longest time, so I've been streatching out. But Last night, I realized that I don't need to streatch it out. I can keep it fast paced. I can go ahead and do the Jabberwalky scene! (Albeit, it is not the same as I imagined it to be; It will be better by far!) It will require chapters to accomplish this! It will be probably about the same length of the previous book that is already online! I am sooo excited about it!

So, as soon as I physically could, I got on my laptop and put down all of my ideas. Short sentence map of what is going to happen. The map is two whole pages long!!! Which means I have a lot of material to work with right now! I can not tell you how happy I am that I figured out how its all gonna go! I cannot wait to see what you think of my on-coming chapters! I can see that my chapters are going to be flying right out of my fingertips and right onto a page, almost withoout hesitations or pauses or interruptions!

I know I said that pictures will be coming soon. I'm sorry it is taking so long getting them out there. I haven't even found any as of yet. I will get to work on that right away. :^)